Hi there! I’m Joy – the Joyful Foodie. I’m a scientist by trade, a new mommy and a lover of all things yummy. At home I favor recipes that are delicious, simple to prepare and require few ingredients; but when I’m out, give me tasting menus and celebrity chefs. Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I share my food experiments, food porn and adventures as I collect Michelin stars and eat my way around town. 

I hope you’ll hang around awhile. If you like looking at and eating delicious food as much as I do, we’re going to get along really well. Come drool with me.

Want to chat? I’d love to hear from you!

Connect with me on social media using the icons on the left side bar those those floating around your screen. They’re probably on the lower right corner right about now. Click on through and say “hi!”

You can also contact me directly at joy@thejoyfulfoodie.com or use the form below.