A few months back I started playing around, taking pictures using 35mm film. When I was scouting out places to develop the film, one of the people I talked to mentioned that they were a food photographer…and they used film not digital. I admit that blew my mind just a little. Since then I’ve tried to shoot a frame or two of some of my recipes on my old, fully manual, 35mm SLR (I don’t own a usable medium format camera…yet), and I thought I’d document my progress here! It is a food blog afterall. It’s been interesting not knowing how the lighting or depth of field would turn out or if the focus would turn out (I keep second guessing my manual focus!) or even how the colors would look using a specific film stock! Maybe sticking everything in one place will help me figure out which stocks I like best, too.
Portra 400, Nikon F3
Get the recipe here: Chicken Liver Pate with Spiced Pears